Too Hot
It's too hot to knit. Too hot to think, too hot to seam and too hot to count.
I wore my half-completed Caban Marine for about 30 seconds this weekend (and that was before the heat wave!):Does the blob make any more sense? It folds over to form half of the lapel! The collar, which is knit separately and sewn on, makes up the other half of the lapel. Actually, it's been knitted and blocked already, I just have to sew it on. Oh, and I've knitted and blocked the other sleeve and the other front. Like I said, it's too hot to seam.
And anyway, I found something way more interesting than seaming: I cast on for a new project! (Probably doesn't surprise you, right?!) This is my own design, using SouthWest Trading Company's Soy Silk in Rose. I'm going to keep the details secret for a while... You never know: if this design is a winner, I might submit it somewhere... (But if you email me, I might divulge some details!).
Unfortunately, it took me all evening to cast on the right number of stitches (120). Once I did, I used the short tail of my cast-on to knit the first row. I only figured it out when I ran out of yarn half way through my row. *sigh*
Like I said, too hot to count.
If it wasn't so damn hot, I'd be knitting this:
For my brother (*cough* cough*):I bought the yarn (the discontinued Rowan Polar in the color he chose: "combat") from the eBay vendor CucumberPatchUK last monday, they shipped it on tuesday and I received it on thursday. From England. Unbelievable!
Unfortunately, since I work a 9-5 job, I am never home to receive a package so I decided to explore my new post office on saturday. Well. It's a little ghetto. They have a double window system: the teller unlocks his window (the sliding bolt goes "thwack!!"), lifts the window, puts your package in the middle, closes his window, locks his window ("thwack!"), unlocks your window ("thwack!!"), you can then finally open your side, you reach in and grab your package, close your window, then he locks it again ("thwack!"). Now, I understand that some parts of Brooklyn were sketchy not that long ago, but do they really need this type of security in a neighborhood that is now safe?
Since Polar is a bulky wool/alpaca blend, I'm not getting near this yarn anytime soon. Anyway, my brother is in India right now, and has no need for a winter sweater.